People who are interested in trading will find that there is a plethora of information available on new trading systems. Whether it is offline or online, there is constantly a new system that is being hailed as the best way to make money. Although trading is still a risky enterprise, there is a new system that shows some promise and it is called e-currency trading.In the simplest terms, e-currency is internet money. E-Currency allows the buyer to purchase internet goods and services very quickly. One of the most important facts about this system is that the payments are secure. As internet commerce grows, so will the use of e-currency.There are many different types of e-currencies. At present there are hundreds, with more being created on regular basis. Every currency is backed up by an underlying currency whether that is consumer confidence or a type of precious metal. This means that there will be a need to exchange these currencies for cash. Those who are involved in e-currency trading can profit from the exchange process and the fluctuation of the value of the underlying currency.There are basic strategies involved in forex robot trading that lend themselves well to currency e trading. The supply and demand will dictate the price and buyers can buy a e-currency has performed well historically. Others can go in the opposite direction and go for ones that are under-performing in order to find a turn-around. Those that wish to can chart their progress.Future traders are familiar with the word leverage and it is something that is also present in e trading. One can borrow against their portfolio in order to buy more currency. Where the use of leverage in futures trading can often lead to the demise of a trader when it comes to e-currency it can create phenomenal portfolio growth. It is not unusual to see growth of about twenty to forty percent per month.However, both futures trading and e-currency have a downside in common. This is that the learning curve is very big; frustrating and can be costly. Both systems have unique terminologies that need the buyers to have a good understanding of the meanings if they wish to master trading. However, thanks to the internet there is vast array of information for beginners to get started.For years, experts in the industry have debated how much money one should use to fund their future trading accounts with. The obvious answer is to have enough capital to withstand drawdown periods. There are many factors that go into this, but most people go for between ten and fifty thousand dollars.Make no mistake; this type of trading is not an easy get rich quick scheme. It requires a level of understanding that will take some time for a beginner to master. However, those who are willing to learn will be able to benefit from this system. Like with anything in life one will learn the system with trail and error until it is mastered and becomes a profitable endeavor for investors.
7 Signs You’re Not Ready For Online Business Success
Dot.Com or Internet businesses started going main-stream in the early 1990′s and between 1995 and 2000 internet stocks were selling at multiples of their book values. Most of the Dot.Com companies had nothing tangible to justify their Mount Everest-high prices. It didn’t take long before the market started correcting itself and by October 4, 2002 the NASDAQ index had crashed by 76.81%, to 1,139.90, from a peak of 5,084.62 recorded on March 10, 2000..
Since the burst, the Dot.Com business had separated the men from the boys with valuable lesson learnt. Many of the boys went home to their parents to lick their wounds while the men started searching for the keys to online business success. As a matter of fact, no one key to online business success was found as internet business was a brand new territory. So it became a matter of trial and error to find out what worked.
In 2012 Rich Schefren released his much-acclaimed Internet Business Manifesto in which he advised Dot.Com entrepreneurs to approach every aspect of online business, from list building to product development and sales, strategically rather than tactically. He particularly noted that technology is an enabler and the whole focus should be on developing structures and building relationships rather than looking for tactical advantages like trying to outsmart the algorithms.
Since the Dot.Com crash, many online entrepreneurs have figured out what works and what doesn’t and the internet is producing millionaires in record numbers in assorted niches and sub-niches. One of such millionaires is Russell Brunson, the author of three best-selling books: Dot.Com Secrets, Expert Secrets, and Traffic Secrets. These books are definitive guides on what works online. If only to note in passing, as at the 2020, Russell Brunson’s net-worth was estimated at $41m; a figure he built over 15 years.
Scott Cunningham of Social Lite not long ago pointed out that online entrepreneurs go through three phases: the crawl phase, when you’re making less than $100,000 per annum, the walk phase when you’re making between $100,000 to $1m, and the run phase when you’re making over $1m. It is at the crawl phase you need the most learning.
For those of us in the crawl phase, it’s important to note that, just like anything in life, online business has its own guiding principles. Those who succeed in a big way online follow these principles. The opposite is also true for those who fail. As Russell Brunson and other internet business experts would readily advice, do what works. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.
Here are seven signs you’re not ready for online business success. Not in any particular order, they include:
1. You’re not curious, indeed more often than not you’re skeptical that people like you are building successful online businesses and making money.
2. You’re not paranoid, indeed you believe online business is a passing fad and will soon go away. Andy Grove, Intel’s co-founder, once said, “Only the Paranoid Survive”. The internet is not likely to go away soon.
3. You believe Social Media is a distraction; if you use SM at all, you use it for the “social” aspect. Social media like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are business tools if you know how to use them.
4. You lack production mindset, you rather consume, and if you produce at all, you’re inconsistent. To succeed online, especially if you’re selling digital products, you must be a prolific producer.
5. You wear the toga of expert, always asking, “What can anybody teach me?” As Steve Jobs said in his Stanford’s 2005 Commencement address, “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”
6. You focus on the negatives: fraud, complexity, and the technicalities etc., thus convincing yourself “it’s not for me”. The internet has its dark side. It also has its bright side. Embrace the bright side.
7. You live a “satisfied life” believing you’re already successful so “why bother?” This is the attitude of high corporate earners. Why not invest and learn now you’re earning high; sooner or later, you’ll retire.
If you exhibit three or more of the signs I have enumerated above: you lack curiosity, you’re not paranoid about the internet, you hate social media or only use it for play, you rather consume than produce, you consider yourself an expert who knows it all, you only see the dark side of the internet, and you’re too satisfied to bother, the simple interpretation is that you lack online business success mindset.
The signs simply say you’re not ready for online business success. I define online success as someone who makes a minimum of $10,000 monthly online and scaling and investing massively to move from the crawl to the walk stage. My simple advice to you is this: get off your couch, put on your running shoes and start looking for online business influencers to learn how you too can succeed online.
Why Is Focus on Packaging Is Incumbent in the Modern Era?
So, it’s mandatory to focus on the packaging to leave the first impression memorable to get the customer back for the repeated purchase. Here are a few other important points which make it incumbent to concentrate on the packaging design:
Speaks & imparts knowledge to the prospects
Speaking to the consumers and imparting the required knowledge such as the features of the products helps in boosting the sales. Communicating with the prospects and telling them about the product as well as the brand encourages them to buy and try. Packaging assists in spreading the required information about the product as the qualities are printed prominently. The box stuff allows to give any color to the background and the printed words, contrasting hues make a great combination and helps in highlighting the important information.
Advertises & promotes the item
Advertisement and promotion of the product need to be a bit different or weird so, the prospect’s attention can be captivated. It is trouble-free to advertise the item with the alluring artwork printed on the box. The colors catch the eyes and it soothes the sense of sight, the smooth stuff of the packaging makes the customer’s hands feel great. Aesthetics of the packaging must be focused to create a lasting influence. Packaging of the product is a part of the promotion, it carves an image of the company in the mind of the customers. It is amazing to focus on the packaging boxes as they are capable of skyrocketing the sales just by looks and the statement they show.
Make look distinctive from competitors
Appearing distinctive from the competitors is the right choice as people notice the brand when the products shine bright placed on the shelf. It is not tough to give a splendid look to bewitch the prospect if the custom packaging boxes are manufactured with other-worldly design. Looking different among the products of competitors helps in surpassing the competition which makes it essential to concentrate on the packaging idea.
Keeps the product safe & protected
Sturdy-built boxes keep the valuables safe from the external environmental factors and protected from the damage or scratches. It is the product box that makes it hassle-free to shift the item otherwise it is impossible to transport it. Collisions during the move can leave the product totally damaged so, it’s essential to focus on getting strong boxes with eco-friendly stuff crafted for covering the products. Ignoring the material of packaging means ignoring the health of living beings. It is crucial to get the custom packaging boxes manufactured with material that doesn’t emit toxic fumes and pollutes the air. People are in favor of the brands which go green when encasing the items so, it is a good idea to prefer eco-friendly material to house the valuables.